All our studio classes are livestreamed as well, so you can also follow the classes live online, for those who cannot make it to the studio or live outside Amsterdam.

The Menopause Yoga classes are specifically designed for women in the menopause (voor vrouwen in de overgang). We focus on yoga- and other fitness practices that prevent or bring relieve to typical pre- and post menopausal complaints on the physical, mental, and emotional level. Next to the physical practices we also include stress-reduction techniques like breathing exercises and meditation. This class will bring (hormonal) balance, fitness, strength & power, as well as deep relaxation to the pre- and post menopausal body. Sometimes these classes are referred to as "Hormone Yoga", but in our Menopause classes we actually go further than that, as we not only seek for hormonal balance, but also train the menopausal body to become strong and fit, to overcome typical complaints like weight-increase, joint-sensitivity, and weaker muscle- and bone structures due to collagen loss.

The Menopause Yoga classes are therapeutic. We work on a wide range of pre- and post menopausal complaints women can experience, such as:

  • Concentration problems (moeite met concentreren)
  • Headaches & Migraines (hoofdpijn & migraine)
  • Fatigue (moeheid)
  • Insomnia (slapeloosheid, slaapstoornissen)
  • Higher Stress Sensitivity (hogere stressgevoeligheid)
  • Anxiety & Depression (gevoelens van angst en onrust & depressie)
  • Irritability (hogere mate van prikkelbaarheid)
  • Mood swings (stemmingswisselingen)
  • Hot flushes (opvliegers)
  • Night sweats (nachtzweten)
  • Loss of libido
  • Weight gain (gewichtstoename)
  • Digestive problems (problemen met de spijsvertering)
  • Incontinence (incontinentie, urineverlies)
  • Irregular Periods (onregelmatige menstruatie)
  • Breast pain (pijnlijke borsten)
  • Irregular Heartbeat (onregelmatige hartslag)
  • Higher Blood Pressure (hogere bloeddruk)
  • Muscle pain (spierpijn)
  • Decrease in muscle density & strength (afname van spiermassa en kracht)
  • Joint pain (pijnlijke gewrichten)
  • Osteoporosis (osteoporose, botontkalking), weaker bones (zwakkere botten)
  • Tendinitis (peesontstekingen) & Tendinosis (tendinose, afname peeskwaliteit)
  • Tingling Extremities (tintelingen in de ledematen)
  • Overall Body Stiffness (algehele stijfheid van het lichaam)

The classes are bi-lingual (English/Dutch).

The Menopause Yoga group classes are a great way to find your support system, connecting with other women with similar complaints and experiences. Furthermore, if you have serious menopausal complaints that require extra personal attention, you can also book Corine for a Menopause Yoga Private Session, in the studio or at home. A customized therapeutic menopausal program of exercises will be compiled for you that helps you with your complaints, and you can then also do the exercises at home to work on your continuous well-being.

Dates & Timings

The Menopause Yoga classes take place on Saturdays from 12-13.30h. See our Class Schedule. Doors open 5 minutes before class. For your first class we ask you to sign up at least 1 day before your class for your online registration and (medical) intake.

Class Preparation

In the yoga studio we have yoga mats and props (blocks, belts, bolsters, blankets) available. Feel free though to bring your own mat. For extra comfort you can additionally bring a warm shawl or personal blanket to class yourself. Dress in comfortably sitting sports or yoga clothes, with some warm options too like a sweater and warm socks. A water bottle and a towel may be useful too. Lastly, just as with normal yoga class, do not practice yoga on a full stomach, and please follow our Studio Hygiene Protocol when you visit the studio.

Subscription & Payment

  • As a newcomer we would like you to sign up at least 1 day before your first class for your online registration and (medical) intake. Let us know whether you would like to participate in the studio or online.
  • For the Menopause Yoga classes you can either pay for a single class which is € 22 or buy a 10 class card: € 185 (€ 18,50 per class) which is 3 months valid (so taking into account you might miss a class here and there). Payment for the single classes and class cards goes via bank transfer, preferably no cash transactions in the studio. You can book your card online by filling in the booking form under Classes-Prices.
  • Please note that if you currently have a regular yoga class card you can use it for the Menopause Yoga classes and we ask you to pay the difference extra per class.
  • For all classes we ask you to pre-register and reserve your spot. For the evening classes before 16h, for the morning classes the evening before until 21h. If you need to cancel your class subscription you can do that free of charge before 16h/21h, after that we will charge you for your class. When you subscribe for a class let us know whether you would like to join in the studio or online.

We look forward welcoming you in our Menopause Yoga Classes - a natural balance for women in menopause!